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May I proudly Introduce-->

I would like to introduce you to Mr. Stanley Matthews. Stanley was born July 21, 1939. He weighed a whopping 13 pounds. He was the first born to Mr and Mrs Fred Matthews. I miss my daddy so much! My birthday is coming up, I guess is made me realize how much I do really miss him. I love you Daddy!

I Still Miss You

This yearning in my heart

This confusion in my mind

The words left unspoken

Haunts me all the time

Everyday I watch pass by

With an emptiness in my life

And a hole in my heart

Where only you belong

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Pamela Vest
Hello. Let's see alittle about me, I am almost 40 now WOW. I can't believe it. I have 1 son and 2 daughters. 2 Step daughters and 1 step son, also 4 Step grandsons. Now that's out of the way. I married the man of my dreams. He and I have travelled the US alot and worked in some pretty interesting places. But nothing has compared to giving our lives to the Lord. This journey is by far the happiest and most important we have taken. By the grace of God we will remain and earn our place in paradise.
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